The Reason Why Positive Mindset Work Does Not Always Work

mindsetwork Dec 06, 2019

Even though most of us would agree that we prefer being positive rather than negative, it is not always easy. Having a genuine positive mindset is not as simple as it sounds. 

I find that positive mindset work is very helpful to motivate our minds, but it does not resolve deep-rooted emotional pain. It also doesn't guarantee that we will take positive actions.

This is the biggest reason why I find that positive mindset work does not always work. 


Positive mindset work on its own teaches us to deny what we feel. 

Most people that are experiencing high stress, depression, and anxiety, are genuinely trying their best to feel ok. When they are expected to be positive, it is as if they are being asked to not be themselves. Feeling forced to be positive can push anyone into denying their emotions even more, which will make all symptoms worse.

We need to recognize our emotions and feel them consciously to be able to process them. We can remove limiting beliefs, focus on more positive thoughts and do affirmations, but if we do not feel, the negative thought patterns will come back.

There are a couple of things that we can do to begin to build a better relationship with our thoughts, while we embrace our emotions. 


#1.Pay attention to your thoughts: The key here is to start paying attention to our mental dialogue so we can pick up on our negative thinking patterns. This will help us to start having more understanding of the emotions that are beneath those thoughts so we can start to change them.

When you catch yourself feeding a negative thought pattern, take a deep, slow breath and ask yourself these questions?

  • Are these thoughts making me feel better?
  • Are these thoughts resolving anything currently in my life?

If the answer is no to both of those questions, then remind yourself that those thoughts have no value and that you can change them. You do not have to try to be positive, but you can actively also choose to start transforming any negative thoughts. 


#2. We want to start feeling. I encourage everyone to have a daily emotional check-in practice (Get the FREE master class here). Where we make time in our day, to visit our emotions and hold space for them. The goal of this practice is to:

  • Become aware of our emotions.
  • Surrender any resistance towards feeling. 
  • To FEEL.
  • To end the practice with an empowerment exercise. 

(This is where we allow ourselves to tap into our original emotions of love and joy. )

Doing these two exercises daily can be life-changing. They carry the power to deeply transforms your relationship with yourself. If you want to feel well, it is important to care for you, starting by bringing awareness to the darkest corners of your mind and emotions.

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